Saturday, August 31, 2019

Amnesia – Memory Loss

Amnesia: Memory Loss Outline Thesis: Amnesia is a condition involving memory loss, which can cause people to lose their ability to memorize information and/or could cause people to be unable to recall information. I. General amnesia A. Types of amnesia 1. Anterograde 2. Retrograde B. Symptoms II. Causes of amnesia III. Diagnoses C. How to determine D. Treatments IV. Prevention of amnesia Amnesia: Memory Loss Memory loss can be associated with many different conditions in today’s medical fields such as amnesia, Alzheimer’s disease, different forms of dementia, depression, or even a brain tumor.These conditions have similarities yet differences to define each one as a different illness. Amnesia is a well-known condition that is associated with memory loss in today’s medical world, which can cause people to lose their ability to memorize information and could cause people to be unable to recall familiar material. Amnesia comes in various forms of memory loss; the tw o most frequently seen forms of this are anterograde amnesia and retrograde amnesia. Anterograde amnesia is when the brain gets damaged and new information after the incident cannot be stored.The patient that has had this happen to him can remember aspects of life that has happened before the incident (Nordqvist 2). New information that is gained after the occurrence cannot be stored. The International Encyclopedia of Rehabilitation describes this condition: Anterograde amnesia refers to a deficit in encoding new information subsequent to a given and specific event in time, for instance trauma due to an accident or the onset of brain damage. Consequently, new information cannot be or is partially retained by the individual, which leads to a learning disorder.This type of amnesia can be partial (some of the information is forgotten), and often underlies the individual's subjective complaints; or total, and is therefore characterized by the individual's inability to recall daily life activities or progressive loss of information (1). Retrograde amnesia is contrary to anterograde amnesia. After a traumatic event, the individual cannot remember certain things that happened before it took place but can normally remember anything that takes place after the incident.The degree of how much that can be remembered before the incident all depends on the amount of damage to the brain (de Guise 1). Amnesia comes with diverse symptoms. The two main symptoms are â€Å"impaired ability to learn new information following the onset of amnesia† and â€Å"impaired ability to recall past event and previously familiar information† (Mayo Clinic Staff 2). Other signs consist of confusion, disorientation, false recollections, uncoordinated movements, inability to identify the current president, and many others.Any head injury that causes any of these symptoms could be a sign of amnesia. The brain is a complex operating system that controls the body. The brain also contro ls memory. Damage from â€Å"accidents, encephalitis, or conditions that interrupt blood supply from the brain† can result in amnesia (Thompson and Madigan 119). Additional causes of amnesia can be but are not limited to such things as stroke, lack of oxygen to the brain, long-term alcohol abuse, and brain tumors. Lenore Terr, a clinical professor of psychiatry, states that a very common cause of retrograde amnesia is a concussion (67).Amnesia can also come about from emotional shock. This dissociative amnesia can be associated with being a victim of a crime, sexual abuse, child abuse, combat, and any other â€Å"intolerable life situation, which causes severe psychological stress and internal conflict† (Nordqvist 6). When a person thinks that he has amnesia, he should take several steps to determine what it is and what should be done about it. The first step is to seek help from a doctor. An appointment should be made to determine what the patient’s symptoms ar e indicating.In most cases, the patient takes a family member with them to their appointment to be able to help answer questions that the patient may not know or remember. At the appointment the doctor is very likely to ask questions such as â€Å"Were you involved in any trauma? †, â€Å"When did you first notice your memory loss? †, and â€Å"Does anything help to improve your memory? † (Mayo Clinic Staff 5). The doctor will do an evaluation to dismiss other possible causes of memory loss like Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, depression, or a brain tumor (Mayo Clinic Staff 5-6).Harvey S. Levin, Ph. D. , Vincent M. O’Donnell, M. A. , and Robert G. Grossman, M. D. developed an amnesia test of their own. This test consists of 15 questions. For each question the patient gets wrong, a number is deduced in the error score column. After all questions are completed, the doctor adds up the error score column and subtracts it from 100. Scores that range from 100-76 strengthens that the patient is normal, 75-66 implies the patient is borderline amnesia, and anything below 66 confirms the patient is impaired.Another exam that will be done is a physical exam. This will test reflexes, balance, and other components that deal with the brain or nervous system. It may be necessary to do imaging tests as well to look at the brain. This could include an MRI, a CT scan, or an EEG scan. These tests will determine if there is any physical damage to the brain or identify if something is abnormal about it. Once amnesia is diagnosed there are few things to be done to help the patient. Medical News Today states that in most cases amnesia resolves itself without treatment (8).Even though there are no current drugs to help the restoration of memory, different types of therapy may help to reestablish recollections. These can include psychotherapy, hypnosis, and occupational therapy. Some people are turning to technology for assistance; PDA’s or oth er hand held devices are helping patients to remember their everyday tasks more easily. The most important factors to treating amnesia is family support. Families can help â€Å"nudge patients back into their environment† if they are surrounded by familiar objects and people (Nordqvist 8).Amnesia can be prevented if the right precautions are taken. Any damage to the brain can cause amnesia, so a person needs to take any step they can to protect it. For instance, wearing a helmet while riding a bike will shield the brain from any injury in case there is a blow to the head. Avoiding excessive alcohol use is another precaution (Mayo Clinic Staff 8). Another great preventative measure to take is to make sure to treat any infection quickly (Mayo Clinic Staff 8). By doing this it will secure the infection from being able to spread to the brain.Protecting the brain in any form that is possible is the best prevention of amnesia. Memory loss is a very serious condition that can come i n many different forms including amnesia. A sign of amnesia is when people lose their ability to memorize information and are unable to recall facts. Even though there is no medical drugs to treat this condition as of now, the importance of seeking help from a medical expert to confirm if it is amnesia or not is very high. With other forms of treatments available, this condition could be reversed or fixed with a coping method.The brain controls every part of our body in some form or another. Protection of the brain is the key essential to preventing amnesia due to it controlling one’s memory. If taking care of the brain and shielding it can prevent amnesia, why would someone not take the proper steps to do so? Works Cited de Guise, Elaine. 2012. Amnesia. In: JH Stone, M Blouin, editors. International Encyclopedia of Rehabilitation. Web. Levin, Harvey S. , Vincent M. O'Donnell, and Robert G. Grossman. â€Å"The Galveston Orientation and Amnesia Test. † UTMB Health | The University of Texas Medical Branch | UTMB. du. N. p. , n. d. Web. 29 Sept. 2012. Mayo Clinic Staff. â€Å"Amnesia – MayoClinic. com. † Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic, 11 Oct. 2011. Web. 29 Sept. 2012. Nordqvist, Christian. â€Å"What Is Amnesia? What Causes Amnesia?. † Medical News Today. MediLexicon, Intl. , 14 Jul. 2009. Web. Terr, Lenore. Unchained memories: true stories of traumatic memories, lost and found. New York, N. Y. : Basic Books, 1994. Print. Thompson, Richard F. , and Stephen A. Madigan. Memory: the key to consciousness. Washington, D. C. : Joseph Henry Press, 2005. Print.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Parallel Computer Architecture Essay

â€Å"Parallel computing† is a science of calculation t countless computational directives are being â€Å"carried out† at the same time, working on the theory that big problems can time and again be split â€Å"into smaller ones†, that are subsequently resolved â€Å"in parallel†. We come across more than a few diverse type of â€Å"parallel computing: bit-level parallelism, instruction-level parallelism, data parallelism, and task parallelism†. (Almasi, G. S. and A. Gottlieb, 1989) Parallel Computing has been employed for several years, for the most part in high-performance calculation, but awareness about the same has developed in modern times owing to the fact that substantial restriction averts rate of recurrence scale. Parallel computing has turned out to be the leading prototype in â€Å"computer architecture, mostly in the form of multicore processors†. On the other hand, in modern times, power utilization by parallel computers has turned into an alarm. Parallel computers can be generally categorized in proportion â€Å"to the level at which the hardware† sustains parallelism; â€Å"with multi-core and multi-processor workstations† encompassing several â€Å"processing† essentials inside a solitary mechanism at the same time â€Å"as clusters, MPPs, and grids† employ several workstations â€Å"to work on† the similar assignment. (Hennessy, John L. , 2002) Parallel computer instructions are very complicated to inscribe than chronological ones, for the reason that from synchronization commence more than a few new modules of prospective software virus, of which race situations are mainly frequent. Contact and association amid the dissimilar associate assignments is characteristically one of the supreme obstructions to receiving superior analogous program routine. The acceleration of a program due to parallelization is specified by Amdahl’s law which will be later on explained in detail. Background of parallel computer architecture Conventionally, computer software has been inscribed for sequential calculation. In order to find the resolution to a â€Å"problem†, â€Å"an algorithm† is created and executed â€Å"as a sequential stream† of commands. These commands are performed on a CPU on one PC. No more than one command may be implemented at one time, after which the command is completed, the subsequent command is implemented. (Barney Blaise, 2007) Parallel computing, conversely, utilizes several processing fundamentals at the same time to find a solution to such problems. This is proficiently achieved by splitting â€Å"the problem into† autonomous divisions with the intention that every â€Å"processing† factor is capable of carrying out its fraction â€Å"of the algorithm† concurrently by means of the other processing factor. The processing† fundamentals can be varied and comprise properties for example a solitary workstation with several processors, numerous complex workstations, dedicated hardware, or any amalgamation of the above. (Barney Blaise, 2007) Incidence balancing was the leading cause for enhancement in computer routine starting sometime in the mid-1980s and continuing till â€Å"2004†. â€Å"The runtime† of a series of instructions is equivalent to the amount of commands reproduced through standard instance for each command. Retaining the whole thing invariable, escalating the clock occurrence reduces the standard time it acquires to carry out a command. An enhancement in occurrence as a consequence reduces runtime intended for all calculation bordered program. (David A. Patterson, 2002) â€Å"Moore’s Law† is the pragmatic examination that â€Å"transistor† compactness within a microchip is changed twofold approximately every 2 years. In spite of power utilization issues, and frequent calculations of its conclusion, Moore’s law is still effective to all intents and purposes. With the conclusion of rate of recurrence leveling, these supplementary transistors that are no more utilized for occurrence leveling can be employed to include additional hardware for parallel division. (Moore, Gordon E, 1965) Amdahl’s Law and Gustafson’s Law: Hypothetically, the expedition from parallelization should be linear, repeating the amount of dispensation essentials should divide the â€Å"runtime†, and repeating it subsequent â€Å"time and again† dividing â€Å"the runtime†. On the other hand, very a small number of analogous algorithms attain most favorable acceleration. A good number â€Å"of them have a near-linear† acceleration for little figures of â€Å"processing† essentials that levels out into a steady rate for big statistics of â€Å"processing† essentials. The possible acceleration of an â€Å"algorithm on a parallel† calculation stage is described by â€Å"Amdahl’s law†, initially devised by â€Å"Gene Amdahl† sometime â€Å"in the 1960s†. (Amdahl G. , 1967) It affirms that a little segment of the â€Å"program† that cannot be analogous will bound the general acceleration obtainable from â€Å"parallelization†. Whichever big arithmetical or manufacturing problem is present, it will characteristically be composed of more than a few â€Å"parallelizable† divisions and quite a lot of â€Å"non-parallelizable† or â€Å"sequential† divisions. This association is specified by the â€Å"equation S=1/ (1-P) where S† is the acceleration of the â€Å"program† as an aspect of its unique chronological â€Å"runtime†, and â€Å"P† is the division which is â€Å"parallelizable†. If the chronological segment of â€Å"a program is 10% â€Å"of the start up duration, one is able to acquire merely a 10 times acceleration, in spite of of how many computers are appended. This sets a higher bound on the expediency of adding up further parallel implementation components. â€Å"Gustafson’s law† is a different â€Å"law in computer† education, narrowly connected to â€Å"Amdahl’s law†. It can be devised as â€Å"S(P) = P – ? (P-1) where P† is the quantity of â€Å"processors†, S is the acceleration, and ? the â€Å"non-parallelizable† fraction of the procedure. â€Å"Amdahl’s law† supposes a permanent â€Å"problem† volume and that the volume of the chronological division is autonomous of the quantity of â€Å"processors†, while â€Å"Gustafson’s law† does not construct these suppositions. Applications of Parallel Computing Applications are time and again categorized in relation to how frequently their associative responsibilities require coordination or correspondence with every one. An application demonstrates superior grained parallelism if its associative responsibilities ought to correspond several times for each instant; it shows commonly grained parallelism if they do not correspond at several instances for each instant, and it is inadequately equivalent if they hardly ever or by no means have to correspond. Inadequately parallel claims are measured to be uncomplicated to parallelize. Parallel encoding languages and parallel processor have to have a uniformity representation that can be more commonly described as a â€Å"memory model†. The uniformity â€Å"model† describes regulations for how procedures on processor â€Å"memory† take place and how consequences are formed. One of the primary uniformity â€Å"models† was a chronological uniformity model made by Leslie Lamport. Chronological uniformity is the condition of â€Å"a parallel program that it’s parallel† implementation generates the similar consequences as a â€Å"sequential† set of instructions. Particularly, a series of instructions is sequentially reliable as Leslie Lamport states that if the consequence of any implementation is equal as if the procedures of all the â€Å"processors† were carried out in some â€Å"sequential† array, and the procedure of every entity workstation emerges in this series in the array detailed by its series of instructions. Leslie Lamport, 1979) Software contractual memory is a familiar form of constancy representation. Software contractual memory has access to database hypothesis the notion of infinitesimal connections and relates them to â€Å"memory† contact. Scientifically, these â€Å"models† can be symbolized in more than a few approaches. Petri nets, which were established in the physician hypothesis of Carl Adam Petri some time in 1960, happen to be a premature effort to cipher the set of laws of uniformity models. Dataflow hypothesis later on assembled upon these and Dataflow structural designs were formed to actually put into practice the thoughts of dataflow hypothesis. Commencing â€Å"in the late 1970s†, procedure of â€Å"calculi† for example â€Å"calculus of† corresponding structures and corresponding â€Å"sequential† procedures were build up to authorize arithmetical interpretation on the subject of classification created of interrelated mechanisms. More current accompaniments to the procedure â€Å"calculus family†, for example the â€Å"? calculus†, have additionally the ability for explanation in relation to dynamic topologies. Judgments for instance Lamport’s TLA+, and arithmetical representations for example sketches and Actor resultant drawings, have in addition been build up to explain the performance of simultaneous systems. (Leslie Lamport, 1979) One of the most important classifications of recent times is that in which Michael J. Flynn produced one of the most basic categorization arrangements for parallel and sequential processors and set of instructions, at the present recognized as â€Å"Flynn’s taxonomy†. Flynn† categorized â€Å"programs† and processors by means of propositions if they were working by means of a solitary set or several â€Å"sets of instructions†, if or not those commands were utilizing â€Å"a single or multiple sets† of information. â€Å"The single-instruction-single-data (SISD)† categorization is corresponding to a completely sequential process. â€Å"The single-instruction-multiple-data (SIMD)† categorization is similar to doing the analogous procedure time after time over a big â€Å"data set†. This is usually completed in â€Å"signal† dispensation application. Multiple-instruction-single-data (MISD)† is a hardly ever employed categorization. While computer structural designs to manage this were formulated for example systolic arrays, a small number of applications that relate to this set appear. â€Å"Multiple-instruction-multiple-data (MIMD)† set of instructions are without a doubt the for the most part frequent sort of parallel procedures. (Hennessy, John L. , 2002) Types of Parallelism There are essentially in all 4 types of â€Å"Parallelism: Bit-level Parallelism, Instruction level Parallelism, Data Parallelism and Task Parallelism. Bit-Level Parallelism†: As long as 1970s till 1986 there has been the arrival of very-large-scale integration (VLSI) microchip manufacturing technology, and because of which acceleration in computer structural design was determined by replication of â€Å"computer word† range; the â€Å"amount of information† the computer can carry out for each sequence. (Culler, David E, 1999) Enhancing the word range decreases the quantity of commands the computer must carry out to execute an action on â€Å"variables† whose ranges are superior to the span of the â€Å"word†. or instance, where an â€Å"8-bit† CPU must append two â€Å"16-bit† figures, the central processing unit must initially include the â€Å"8 lower-order† fragments from every numeral by means of the customary calculation order, then append the â€Å"8 higher-order† fragments employing an â€Å"add-with-carry† command and the carry fragment from the lesser arr ay calculation; therefore, an â€Å"8-bit† central processing unit necessitates two commands to implement a solitary process, where a â€Å"16-bit† processor possibly will take only a solitary command unlike â€Å"8-bit† processor to implement the process. In times gone by, â€Å"4-bit† microchips were substituted with â€Å"8-bit†, after that â€Å"16-bit†, and subsequently â€Å"32-bit† microchips. This tendency usually approaches a conclusion with the initiation of â€Å"32-bit† central processing units, which has been a typical in wide-ranging principles of calculation for the past 20 years. Not until in recent times that with the arrival of â€Å"x86-64† structural designs, have â€Å"64-bit† central processing unit developed into ordinary. (Culler, David E, 1999) In â€Å"Instruction level parallelism a computer program† is, basically a flow of commands carried out by a central processing unit. These commands can be rearranged and coalesced into clusters which are then implemented in â€Å"parallel† devoid of altering the effect of the â€Å"program†. This is recognized as â€Å"instruction-level parallelism†. Progress in â€Å"instruction-level parallelism† subjugated â€Å"computer† structural design as of the median of 1980s until the median of 1990s. Contemporary processors have manifold phase instruction channels. Each phase in the channel matches up to a dissimilar exploit the central processing unit executes on that channel in that phase; a central processing unit with an â€Å"N-stage† channel can have equal â€Å"to N† diverse commands at dissimilar phases of conclusion. The â€Å"canonical† illustration of a channeled central processing unit is a RISC central processing unit, with five phases: Obtaining the instruction, deciphering it, implementing it, memory accessing, and writing back. In the same context, the Pentium 4 central processing unit had a phase channel. Culler, David E, 1999) Additionally to instruction-level parallelism as of pipelining, a number of central processing units can copy in excess of one command at an instance. These are acknowledged as superscalar central processing units. Commands can be clustered jointly simply â€Å"if there is no data† reliance amid them. â€Å"Scoreboarding† and the â€Å"Tomasulo algorithm† are two of the main frequent modus operandi for putting into practice inoperative implementation and â€Å"instruction-level parallelism†. Data parallelism† is â€Å"parallelism† intrinsic in â€Å"program† spheres, which center on allocating the â€Å"data† transversely to dissimilar â€Å"computing† nodules to be routed in parallel. â€Å"Parallelizing loops often leads to similar (not necessarily identical) operation sequences or functions being performed on elements of a large data structure. † (Culler, David E, 1999) A lot of technical and manufacturing applications display data â€Å"parallelism†. â€Å"Task parallelism† is the feature of a â€Å"parallel† agenda that completely dissimilar computation can be carried out on both the similar or dissimilar â€Å"sets† of information. This distinguishes by way of â€Å"data parallelism†; where the similar computation is carried out on the identical or unlike sets of information. â€Å"Task parallelism† does more often than not balance with the dimension of a quandary. (Culler, David E, 1999) Synchronization and Parallel slowdown: Associative chores in a parallel plan are over and over again identified as threads. A number of parallel computer structural designs utilize slighter, insubstantial editions of threads recognized as fibers, at the same time as others utilize larger editions acknowledged as processes. On the other hand, â€Å"threads† is by and large acknowledged as a nonspecific expression for associative jobs. Threads will frequently require updating various variable qualities that is common among them. The commands involving the two plans may be interspersed in any arrangement. A lot of parallel programs necessitate that their associative jobs proceed in harmony. This entails the employment of an obstruction. Obstructions are characteristically put into practice by means of a â€Å"software lock†. One category of â€Å"algorithms†, recognized as â€Å"lock-free and wait-free algorithms†, on the whole keeps away from the utilization of bolts and obstructions. On the other hand, this advancement is usually easier said than done as to the implementation it calls for properly intended data organization. Not all parallelization consequences in acceleration. By and large, as a job is divided into increasing threads, those threads expend a growing segment of their instant corresponding with each one. Sooner or later, the transparency from statement controls the time exhausted resolving the problem, and supplementary parallelization which is in reality, dividing the job weight in excess of still more threads that amplify more willingly than reducing the quantity of time compulsory to come to an end. This is acknowledged as parallel deceleration. Central â€Å"memory in a parallel computer† is also â€Å"shared memory† that is common among all â€Å"processing† essentials in a solitary â€Å"address space†, or â€Å"distributed memory† that is wherein all processing components have their individual confined address space. Distributed memories consult the actuality that the memory is rationally dispersed, however time and again entail that it is bodily dispersed also. â€Å"Distributed shared memory† is an amalgamation of the two hypotheses, where the â€Å"processing† component has its individual confined â€Å"memory† and right of entry to the â€Å"memory† on non-confined â€Å"processors†. Admittance to confined â€Å"memory† is characteristically quicker than admittance to non-confined â€Å"memory†. Conclusion: A mammoth change is in progress that has an effect on all divisions of the parallel computing architecture. The present traditional course in the direction of multicore will eventually come to a standstill, and finally lasting, the trade will shift quickly on the way to a lot of interior drawing end enclosing hundreds or thousands of cores for each fragment. The fundamental incentive for assuming parallel computing is motivated by power restrictions for prospective system plans. The alteration in structural design are also determined by the association of market dimensions and assets that go with new CPU plans, from the desktop PC business in the direction of the customer electronics function.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Linguistics and Language Teaching.

Grammatical mistakes made by non- native English language speakers. Introduction Language  may refer either to the specifically  human  capacity for acquiring and using complex systems of  communication, or to a specific instance of such a system of complex communication. The scientific study of language in any of its senses is called  linguistics. Linguistic theory has traditionally considered native speakers as the only reliable source of linguistic data (Chomsky 1965). It is therefore not surprising to ? nd only a limited number of works focusing on non-native speakers prior to the 1990s.The ? rst attempt to put‘(non)nativism’ onto the centre stage of linguistic inquiry by challenging current undisputed assumptions on the  matter was Paikeday’s (1985) The native speaker is dead  , in which it is argued that the native speaker ‘exists only as a ? gment of linguist’s imagination’ (Paikeday 1985: 12). Paikeday suggested using the term ‘pro? cient user’ of a language to refer to all speakers who can successfully use it. A few years later, Rampton (1990) similarly proposed the term ‘expert speaker’ to include all successful users of a language.Davies (1991, 2003) further delved into ‘native speaker’ identity, and thus formulated the key question of whether a second language (L2) learner can become a native speaker of the target language. His conclusion was that L2 learners can become native speaker of the target language and master the intuition, grammar, spontaneity, creativity, pragmatic control, and interpreting quality of ‘born’ native speakers. Generally, English educated Malaysians of all ethnic and family language background speak and move alike.However, with the implementation of the national language policy of Bahasa Malaysia  as the national language of Malaysia and as the language of instruction, (except in the cases of Chinese or Tamil medium pr imary schools), the status of English Language in Malaysia is different from the earlier years. The English language covered a continuum from first language through second language to a foreign language. Bahasa Malaysia  is replacing English in most of its previous functions, but English may be expected to remain as a continuum from second language to foreign language according to the background and occupation of the speaker.In Malaysia, presently the use of English is less common than in Singapore and is likely to decrease steadily with the implementation of the national language policy. However, English still remains as a language of considerable importance and is still being used in various spheres of everyday activity. The role of English has changed from its earlier status as the precise language of the colonial era and the decades after the Second World War to a second language.At the moment, it is still considered as an international code to be used for diplomatic and comme rcial negotiations and as a language necessary in many fields of tertiary study and research. Not surprisingly, the non-native English language speakers among Malaysians make grammatical mistakes from time to time. These usually happened among Malaysian adult students and even among some Malaysian English teachers. 1. The transcript of a recorded conversation. The following excerpt is a recorded conversation among teachers and will be analysed of the mistakes made by some teachers during discussion.Our discussion was on the quality and effectiveness of a programme called ‘Program Penutur Jati’ or English Language Teacher Development Project (ELTP). Briefly, the aim of the project is to enhance the lower primary ESL teachers’ ability to plan and deliver quality English lessons based on the new National English Language Curriculum in 600 schools across East Malaysia. The teachers involved in discussion come from various races, ethnic groups, ages and teaching exper iences. Kamel : That is my opinion. I don’t know yours. Ok. Chairperson : I agree †¦. augh Kamel : But , as I said just now. I don’t like that the fixture.. ok. For example aaaa as my mentor come to our school .. every Monday ok.. my class start at nine o’clock†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 7. 30.. that mean one and half hour include the preparation for my lesson, so I don’t think that I have an ample time for me to prepare the things†¦ ok . Moreover, the one hour and one and half hour is the .. for all to prepare.. the whole week not only , the one day. So I don’t think that will be effective. Chairperson: Emmmm Kamel : So Chairperson : Did you tell him about it?Kamel: Aaaaaa†¦ So far not yet. Chairperson : Do you have the chance to talk about it. Kamel : Because, I don’t have any.. I don’t have the opportunity to.. Chairperson : Then, you should tell him. Kamel ; I was thinking. Why don’t the mentors like them to be .. have q ualification in teaching, so that they can come to the trainee teachers training college rather than†¦ Chairperson : For your information, ahh Chairperson : Overall, it seems to be working with you†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Naga : The ideas (cough)†¦ is good and different†¦ he is friendly. Chairperson : So.. ahh.If supposing .. You have a mentor to this.. who doesn’t speak.. doesn’t speak like Morrocan. Alright Naemah : Yehhh Chairperson: Right.. Alright, if.. Chairperson: Who? Chairperson : Madam Soya? She is from where? Others : Bulgaria.. (together) Chairperson : Bulgaria? Does she have the accent? Chairperson: What do you think? Do you think†¦ | 2. Common grammatical mistakes and errors by non-native English speakers. The types of errors can be categorised into two: descriptive and surface structures. Descriptive errors include noun phrase, verb phrase and complex sentence.While surface structure errors include omission, addition, misinformati on, misordering and blends. After analysing the recorded conversation, there are few mistakes or errors made by Mr. Kamel during the said discussion. a. The use of unmarked forms instead of marked forms is far more frequent, as can be seen in the examples as follows. * I don’t know yours. * I don’t know about you. * .. as I said just now. * .. as I have said just now. One possible cause of these errors is merely interlingual errors which is the result of mother tongue influences ‘Saya tak tahu awak punya’ and ‘†¦ seperti yang saya kata tadi. respectively. In his article, ‘A Role for the Mother Tongue’ in ‘Language Transfer in Language Learning’, Professor Corder (1981) reinvestigated the phenomenon and questions the term ‘transfer’. He suggests that mother tongue influence as a neutral and broader term to refer to what has most commonly been called transfer. Corder says that since most studies of error were made on the basis of the performance of learners in formal situations where it appears that errors related to mother tongue are more frequent, it was natural that an explanation of the phenomenon was of considerable concern to the applied linguistic.It was out of this concern that the whole industry of contrastive studies arose. He also claims that as far as the acquisition of syntactic knowledge is concerned, no process appropriately called interference takes place, if by that we mean that the mother tongue actually inhibits, prevents, or makes more difficult the acquisition of some feature of the target language. The term ‘interference’ is now most often used to mean what is no more than the presence in the learner‘s performance in the target language of mother-tongue-like features which are incorrect according to the rules of the target language. b.Obviously. Mr. Kamel has the problem in pronouncing certain words especially in the pronunciation of the initial sound of common words like the, there, then and that. It is also the middle consonant sound in feather and the final sound of bathe. These sounds are formed with the tongue tip behind the upper front teeth. The initial sound of that and the final sound of both are both voiceless dental. This problem arises because Mr Kamel’s tongue is not merely touches the teeth. Thus, his pronunciation of these particular words are incorrect. Besides, difficulty in phonology can caused by mother tongue interference.Eltrug (1984) affirmed that mother tongue interference can contribute to a large number of pronunciation errors made by students. An English sound does exist in the native language, but not as separate phonemes. This simply means the first language speakers do not perceive it as a distinct sound that makes difference to meaning. For example The sound /? / does exist in Malay, but whether the vowel is long or short does not make any difference in meaning. For instance, the English phonemes/? / and /i:/ differ very much in meaning as in the words ‘leave’ and ‘live’, ‘sheep’ and ‘ship’.The great amount of vocabulary of English really makes the second language learner suffer in reading. There is a lot of words unknown and the most confusing point is even the second language learner know the meaning but they can’t really understand the meaning of the whole sentence. It is because an English word gives different impressions in different situations. This makes things so confusing about the meaning of the word. Grammatical interference is defined as the first language influencing the second in terms of word order, use of pronouns and determinants, tense and mood.Interference at a lexical level provides for the borrowing of words from one language and converting them to sound more natural in another and orthographic interference includes the spelling of one language altering another. In Malay grammar, it doe s not require one to have any form of determiner in front of instruments like computer, piano, internet. English grammar, however, requires the instruments mentioned above (computer, piano, internet) to be preceded by determiners and if neither a possessive determiner nor a demonstrative determiner is used, the use of either a definite article or an indefinite article is necessary.Thus, the ungrammatical sentences in could be the result of interference of the cultural transfer from Malay language structure on English. Erroneous form| Correct form| She plays piano while I sing. Malay: Dia bermain piano sementara saya menyanyi. | She plays the piano while I sing | She stay at home. Malay : Dia tinggal di rumah | She stays at home. | Table 1 : Examples of interference from the learners’ first language. c.Subjects also exhibited errors in subject-verb agreement as is shown in the examples as follows: * Every Monday, my class start at nine o’clock†¦. * Every Monday, my class starts at nine o’clock†¦. The omission of â€Å"-s† can be attributed to the fact that Bahasa Malaysia does not require verbs to agree with subjects. However, the ending free form is generalised for all persons to make the learning task easier and this is a common intralingual made by people with diverse native languages like Mr Kamel. 3. Causes and sources of errors and mistakes Interlingual errors  are the result of mother tongue influences.Learners transfer/borrow some forms but not others due to two factors such as proto-typicality and language distance (Kellerman, 1979). Malay learners of English commonly make errors in negative sentences. For example: Adryna no coming today. [Adryna tak datang hari ini. ] Such errors are common in pre-verbal negation using  no, the same negative construction as in their L1. In order to determine whether transfer is the cause for the occurrence of errors, James (1998), demonstrates that learners with a particular L 1 make an error that those with a different L1 do not.He provides a useful summary of these strategies which includes the following; a. False analogy b. Misanalysis c. Incomplete rule application exploiting redundancy d. Overlooking co-occurrence restrictions e. System-simplification It is not clear which strategy is responsible for a particular error. Errors can also be viewed as ‘natural’ or as ‘induced’. For example: a. He  played  football yesterday. b. He  goed  home at six. c. He  drinked  milk. d. He  eated  dinner. e. He  sleeped  at eight. ConclusionTo conclude, learners’ errors are a part of the learners’ language learning process. Hence, teachers should not penalise students for the errors they made. Instead, teachers should note those errors and devise ways to assist learners to overcome their problems in language learning. It is difficult to decide whether grammatically or acceptability should serve as the crit erion for error analysis. If grammatically is chosen, an error can be defined as ‘breach of the rule of the code’ (Corder, 1967).Defining errors in terms of grammatically also necessitates giving consideration to the distinction between overt and covert error: In the field of methodology, there are two schools of thought with regard to learners’ error. Firstly, the school which maintains that if we were to achieve a perfect teaching method, the errors would have never be committed and therefore the occurrence of errors is merely a sign of inadequacy in our teaching techniques. The philosophy of the second school is that we live in an imperfect world and consequently errors will always occur in spite of our very best teaching and learning ethods. One effect has been perhaps to shift the emphasis away from a preoccupation with teaching towards a study of learning. The differences between the two are clearly defined: that the learning of the mother tongue is natural , whereas, we all know that there is no such inevitability about the learning of a second language; that the learning of the mother tongue is part of the whole maturational process of the child, whilst learning a second language normally begins only after the maturational process is complete.A child’s incorrect utterances can be interpreted as being evidence that he is in the process of acquiring language and the errors provide these evidences. Brown and Frazer (1964), point out that the best evidence a child possesses construction rules is the occurrence of systematic errors, since when the child speaks correctly, it is quite possible that he is only repeating something that he has heard. In the case of the second language learner, it is known that we do know some knowledge of what the input has been which we call as the syllabus.The simple fact of presenting a certain linguistic form to a learner in the classroom does not necessarily qualify it for the status of input, for the reason that input ‘is what goes in’, not ‘what is available’ for going in, and we may reasonably suppose that it is the learner who controls this input. This may well be determined by the characteristics of his language acquisition mechanism and not by those of the syllabus. References Mariam Mohd Nor, Abdul Halim Ibrahim, Shubbiah, R (2008). OUM-Linguistics and Language Teaching. Seri Kembangan, Selangor.Open University Malaysia. Corder, S. P. (1967). The significance of learners’ errors. International Review of Applied Linguistics,  5, 161-70. Corder, S. P. (1981). Error analysis and interlanguage. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Ames, C. (1998). Errors in language learning and use: Exploring error analysis. London: Longman. Kellerman, E. (1979). Transfer and non-transfer: Where are we now? Studies in Second Language Acquisition,  2: 37-57. Eltrug, N. S. (1984). Analysis of the Arab Learners' Errors in Pronunciation of English Utterances i n Isolation and Context.Ph. D Dissertation. The University of Kansas. Chomsky, N. (1965). Aspects of  the theory of  syntax  . Cambridge, MA: MIT Press Paikeday, T. (1985). The native speaker is dead! Toronto: Paikeday Publishing. Rampton, M. B. H. (1990). Displacing the ‘native speaker’: Expertise, af? liation, and inheritance. ELT  Ã‚  Journal   44. 2, 97–101. Davies, A. (1991). The  native speaker in  applied linguistics  . Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Davies, A. (2003). The native speaker of World Englishes. Journal of Pan-Paci? c Association of Applied  Linguistics   6. 1, 43–60

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Vision of the type of organization that will be needed in the future Essay

Vision of the type of organization that will be needed in the future - Essay Example This paper will describe this kind of organization considering that people as a product and the notion of talent in relation to the workforce as the greatest resource and asset of the organization. It is evident from studies that having the best people in an organization are not enough. The human resource practices are also vital in developing a visionary organization because it drives the operations of the business and exactly how it will be done. Hence the paper will also highlight the good human resource practices that the organization should employ. This is what makes the vision of the organization that will be needed in the future. A good organization begins from the top and works its operations down. An ideal organization that will be needed in future should have a strong and effective management that is aware of its mission and the mechanism of getting there. The management will composed of great and talented leaders who are ready for any impediments and obstacles that can com e there way and still be able to lead others in spite of the differences in opinions and personalities. The organization will have a united workforce with respect to their superiors, educated, and enjoys their duties in the organization. As a leader, I will hold a managerial position in such organization to drive the vision of the organization using my leadership skills and talents to unite the best people for the accomplishment of the vision (Lawler, 1998). The mission statement of the organization that will be needed in future is one that let people working in the organization know what the organization does, such vision statement has a loftier goal: it should showcase how the organization views the future. The vision of that particular organization will describe what the success of the organization would look like; the highest bar the organization always endeavor for. The organization will have both an ambitious and realistic vision statement, in other words, the vision statement should challenge the staff of the organization without overpowering them. This will ensure that performance benchmarks are created along with organizational objectives that are achievable (Barney, 2006). In the future, organizations that will be needed are those whose vision statements answers questions like â€Å"What would a world that do not need our kind of organization look like?† and â€Å"What would a perfect organization in the world look like?† such are the questions that drive change in the organization. That can only be achieved if the best people in the organization are united and work together as a team with a common goal. This type of vision unites and motivates people as a reminder that a lot of work is still pending unaccomplished. As the leader of the organization, I will use my talent to make decision on what makes sense of our organization. Occasionally, there is no particular vision statement that is intrinsically better than the other. That is why as a manager and a leader, one should be able to ascertain that which make the most sense to the organization, and that is what makes an organization exemplary. An exemplary organization, one that will be needed in the future and one organization I will be in and serve as a manger, must have a shared and an inspiring mission at its

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

ANALYTICAL PAPER Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

ANALYTICAL PAPER - Assignment Example To top it, all off, the strategy in place, advocated more power seeking opportunities for the super power in that decade (Morgenthau & Kenneth 44). Noting the tactic used by the administration of Bush after the nine eleven attacks (Morgenthau & Kenneth 85). The tactic explains that instead of using a responsive strategy the administration used an offensive strategy that reaps from the Taliban attack in different ways that influence their hold on Afghanistan economically. The strategy used by the Bush doctrine was the liberal democracy that considered domestic factors as well as systemic ones that secure neo-dominance over the economic sector. To conclude the neoclassical realism theory, it is imperative to identify that the statesmen considered international imperatives, in the manner, that it affected the strategic nature of the decisions made, based on assessed threats and strategies that remain strategically viable in the response to the threat. The made consideration and the intervention play the role of the state in neo-classical school of foreign dogma theories. International politics theory gives a priori point of view that purposefully unrelated to reality intends on bringing order in the politics of the world in a phenomenal strategy. The theory explains how the politics of the past relate to the modern politics and the nature in which it affects the society and politics. The school views the system as one with system and balances. For the analysis of this school of politics, there is need to understand how it interprets the system. Realism views and defines politics as a society and that it stays governed objectively. The interests of a nation remain defined by its power; therefore, politics is autonomous from other spheres of the economy. But it works in sync with all the other spheres. The interest of a statesman defines the whole nation and

Implicit Knowledge Assets in Healthcare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Implicit Knowledge Assets in Healthcare - Essay Example In their drive towards improving efficiency and cutting cost, Knowledge Management has come as a concept with immense potential. The present case is of a Spine Unit in USA, which is in the environment as described above, and the paramount need is leveraging the potential of its two key assets, technology and knowledge in a manner which is able to enhance its efficiency and reduce costs. The Spine Care unit has rich knowledge assets comprising of surgeons and medical staffs from the disciplines of Neurology, Neuro-surgery, orthopedics, spine surgeons, psychologists, physical therapists and pathologists. It is a technology intensive unit with advanced technologies deployed at clinical side in the form of medical equipments and in the practice management side it has extensive IT facilities like Hospital Management Information System (HMIS).   The unit has well developed protocols based on data/information from NCQA, medical journals and its own systems. It is clear from the details th at the Spine Unit is not exploiting the potential of its implicit knowledge assets in a structured and strategic manner despite the fact that it has majority of KM technology in place.   The issue is to leverage the unit’s existing strength and deploy a full-fledged KM system. It is beyond doubt that knowledge and its management involves only one thing – people, all others are enablers. Larry Prusak says â€Å"Knowledge flows along existing pathways in organizations. If we want to understand how to improve the flow of knowledge., we need to understand those pathways.† [citation?] The KM solution for the Spine unit has to exploit the KM concept which creates Communities of Practice, enhances sharing and enriching knowledge, promotes networking and bonding among employees. We see a gap in people focused KM mechanisms, systems and technologies. Proposed solution The objective is to create a KM system comprising of compulsory elements and voluntary elements of KM systems. It is with the approach of leveraging and integrating the exiting assets and existing IT technology Compulsory elements: At every decision point viz. admission of patient, diagnosis, surgery, post operative care, people concerned will be required to refer to the KM system. For example while making a decision to admit the patient one will be required to access the system and system will â€Å"Push† relevant information i.e. patient history, probable diagnosis, past experiences, experts list to ensure the best decision in a quick manner. [

Monday, August 26, 2019

Tort and Regulatory Risk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Tort and Regulatory Risk - Essay Example That is, regardless of whether or not they are actually culpable of the violation in question, and regardless in this case whether the plaintiff even has a case. No organization wants to fight to maintain a reputation in the public arena, and as is commonly understood, the resolution of a lawsuit such as the one leveled by Kelly Bates can often take at least a decade to resolve. Torts and Risks are primarily associated with the non-compliance with the 'Clean Water Act' (1972). In Alumina's case, they have had a pretty solid practice of compliance following a problem in the past that they both corrected, and implemented policies and procedures to prevent such an incident re-occurring. Complying with the Clean Water Act can most adequately be understood in a basic legal positivistic framework, that is, one is either complying with the standards established by the Act or they are not. Prevention, Detection & Correction: A preventative approach is one that implements a Quality Assurance procedure of testing with a regularity that can anticipate any corrective measures that need to take place. One of the core strategies that the company in question can take, is to establish a new department that focus' primarily on environmental compliance. A quality assurance team can establish a set of protocols for testing and addressing any problems before they go so far as to negatively impact either the environment or the health of the community. Likewise, prevention is a matter of establishing a set of procedures representing the 'best practices' for that particular emission – are there technologies that can minimize or mitigate the emissions that are at levels that are either harmful or beyond the allowed limit. EPA: The EPA was established by Richard Nixon in 1970 [McMahon, 19] . Currently, it has an operating budget of over $ 10.4 Billion and the current director is Lisa Jackson [ ] . This agency of the government is the main or central overseeing body of all environmental regulations in the US.. The division within the agency that is particularly focused on compliance of environmental law and pollution standards is the Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance. It both establishes the regulations and in turn, enforces the compliance along with establishing the protocols and procedures for both – that is both the regulation and enforcement. It is also an agency which provides a significant body of research both on the environment, but also on the legal regulations and public policy pertaining to the environment. Torts & Risks: The main issue regarding tort and risk, is basic non-compliance. Any non-compliance opens up the corporation to litigation or lawsuits because of the basic problem of knowing endangerment. This is a legal issue that falls within the purview of conspiracy charges. Thus, any problems connecting the non-compliance with the regulations overseen and regulated by the EPA are facts that can be used against the organization. In turn, the problems with negligence in legal terms can be quite wide in scope, and of course, any situation of non-compliance lends itself to a lawsuit based on negligence and recklessness in regard to public safety. Prevention, Detection & Correction: As was noted above in relation to the Clean Water Act (1972), an environmental quality assurance

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Networking and competition Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Networking and competition - Assignment Example People greatly recognized and appreciated him through his snapshots to an extent that even if he comes up with such a creative idea in future, people will still recognize him. He saw a business idea and made it happen. However, networking requires the spirit of hard work and commitment to attain the required fruits. Had Kalina not committed himself to the daily task of taking self portraits, his project would not have thrives. Competition is important to motivate business minded people to put an extra effort in their businesses. For Kalina to transform his snapshots into the most famous videos recognized today, he saw a video from Ahree Lee which served as his catalyst. Without such a competition, he would not have transformed his snapshots into something that would positively affect his career. Most businesses do not feel good if any form of competition tends to overtake them. This is because in today’s world, most customers flee to businesses that provide the best quality products at affordable prices. That is why most business individuals always strive to outdo their competitors to achieve the highest number of clients and maintain them. Competition is one powerful force that pushes business individuals to improve their performance. This powered with appropriate networking ensures that businesses achieve the expected goals and objectives of that organization. Many businesses make use of networking in their marketing plan. It enables a relationship of trust to develop between the individuals involved. It also enables the company to rank its profile at a high level. In the event of networking, most businesses learn of their competitors’ strategy and ensure that they come up with almost the same or even better strategies. However, it is difficult to get hold of a strategy used by a competitor. That is why some businesses wait for a competitor to come up with a

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Direct & e-Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Direct & e-Marketing - Essay Example Starting from the stage of development of a business plan to the actual operations of any venture, customers retain a pivotal importance in all activities. There are primarily three perspective of a business plan. One is from an entrepreneur's perspective, one is the venture capitalists or Financier's perspective and the third is customer's perspective. It means a business should only be viable if it provides a product or a service that can be of value to customer and can help in customer's utility maximization. When designing a product or deciding about what services the business will provide, customer segmentation is done to ensure that the right product is given to right customers at the right time. All these efforts are made to ensure that more and more customers will be attracted towards an organization's offering and a positive image can be built so that business can create good will in the market and enjoy increase in sales. However, no businessperson can turn his eyes from attracting new customers and increase its customer base but this is also true that old or existing customers also hold a special place when it comes to increase sales and revenue generation. Research shows that old and existing customers are much more effective to increase sale for an organization. A very serious misunderstanding businesspersons use to have these days is that they think if someone becomes their customer, he or she will stay with them, their organization and their product, forever, which happens not to be the case in most of the circumstances. Slowly and gradually, they lose their customer base day by day and keep on wondering why the customers are not coming back to them or why they are leaving. Many reasons have come up for this loss in customer base. Customer loses his or her loyalty when he feels that: Your offering is unfair or unjustified They have some problem or issue relevant to your product or service which remains unsolved or un attended They have a better offer from your competitor He simply feels that you have no care or attention towards your existing customers and he feels ignored. Customers repeat their purchases when they feel themselves loyal with your organization and associate themselves with your product. Still we see organizations spending most of their money in attracting new customers and clients instead of maintaining good relationship with their existing clients to pursue them for repeat purchase. "Before you spend your time and money going after new customers and clients you do not currently have a relationship with consider the following statistics: Repeat customers spend 33% more than new customers. Referrals among repeat customers are 107% greater than non-customers. It costs six times more to sell something to a prospect than to sell that same thing to a customer (Laura Lake, 2007)". Building relationship with existing customer is easy to do. The only thing organizations should keep in mind is to treat customers as a partner in their business and realize the true worth of their customers. Businesses should focus on attracting new customers but at the same time put every effort to please their existing clients. It is necessary because existing clients are the source of a positive word of mouth. A positive word of mouth is the fastest and least costly source of marketing. People tend to believe someone, who has experience your product or s

Friday, August 23, 2019

Graduate admission essay (career in forensic science)

Graduate admission (career in forensic science) - Essay Example The way in which Forensic Science is spreading its branches into legal and criminal fields, aided by new inventions and tools fascinates me. I keep updating my knowledge in forensic science by reading books, journals and research papers. The ever-evolving nature of the subject is very attractive to me. With the crime rate shooting up in all bigger cities, I am sure there would be tremendous amount of openings in the forensic area. Forensic and DNA analysis have proved to be a boon to solving criminal cases. Now cases are getting solved beyond doubt and ambiguity due to developments in both the fields. Taking this view into consideration, I do not think that my future plans are too ambitious to materialize. With this career in view, I have taken almost all available short courses in the last four years. I have taken a lot of care to be in touch with recent advancement in the field. It is extremely important for me to get this admission, as I have not thought of any other career for myself. I have been focusing for a long time only on Forensic Science and this is the only field that inspires me. I also feel that I could be of good use to society by helping police or FBI to solve murders.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Oscar Zeta Acosta Essay Example for Free

Oscar Zeta Acosta Essay Abstract The paper that I wrote talks about Oscar Zeta Acosta and his impact on the Chicano community. In the leaders contribution I talk about how Acosta was an attorney for the Chicano movement and generated controversy. In the leaders contribution section I talk how Acosta addressed political, social, and educational injustices against Chicanos. Acosta used his time and profession to help the Chicano movement. He contributed through two of his books that are a major part of the Chicano literacy renaissance. He also clashed with the Judicial system a lot of times for reasons that he thought were right. In the section others perspectives I talked about how he was scrutinized by many people but was still recognized through his significance in the Chicano movement. Leaders Context Oscar Zeta Acosta was born in El Paso, Texas on April 8, 1935. A little after he turned five he and his family moved to Californias San Joaquin Valley because his family couldnt make a living during the Depression. His parents started working as migrant field workers. Acostas father was different from other people. He had a passion for competition he had to compete with people more then anything. When Acosta was little his father would always make him argue with him. As he said in his book Oscar Zeta Acosta: The Uncollected Works I guess that is where I became as nasty as I am. (5). When Acosta went to high school he wasnt one of the average Chicanos going to school. He became involved in sports and music he was also president of his class. He got a scholarship for music at the University of Southern California. But he decided not to go. After finishing high school, Acosta joined the U.S. Air Force. Acosta then worked his way through college, becoming the first member of his family to graduate. Acosta attended night classes at San Francisco Law School and passed the California Bar exam in 1966 on his second try. (Oscar Zeta Acosta: The Uncollected works) In 1967, Acosta began working as an antipoverty attorney for the East Legal Aid Society in Oakland, California. Then he moved to East Los Angeles, where he joined the Chicano Movement and generated controversy as an activist attorney during the years 1968-1973. But his activities began in Oakland but it was in East Los Angeles where he gained notoriety. He defended various Chicano protest groups and activists such as the Saint Basil 21 and Rodolfo Corky Gonzalez. As an attorney, he figured prominently in legal cases which addressed political, social, and educational injustices against Chicanos. Acosta is also a well known author of two most important novels of the Chicano Protest Movement. An Autobiography of a Brown Buffalo (1972), and The Revolt of the Cockroach People (1973) . Acostas characteristics involve him being savage, nasty, not giving up nor letting anyone out him down as he said in his novel The Autobiography of a Brown Buffalo I dont give a shit what other people have to say about me(130). I believe that all of these characteristics has made him, become who he was. Because he didnt care what others thought about him, he kept on going when things got hard . Acostas father had to do a lot with him becoming like this, because Acostas father would push Acosta to become better then anyone else made him become the nasty interior person he was. He would never show his emotions and never really found his true identity because Acostas father would always push him to do extracurricular activities, and he didnt have that extra time to spend it with the other Chicanos out on the block. It was until later on working as a Legal Aid and saw the Chicanos rioting and walking out for causes he didnt know existed. Leaders Contribution Oscar Zeta Acosta contributed to the Chicano community through two novels that he wrote. Those two novels were a literary contribution to the Chicano community and movement. He used his profession as an attorney to defend Mexican/ Chicano walk outs for better education. Acosta demonstrated his contribution through joining the Chicano movement. He used his profession as an attorney to defend various Chicano protest groups and activists such as the Saint Basil 21 which was The Catholics for la Raza the coalition in an ill-fated protest at St. Basil’s on Christmas Eve, 1969 and also the Rodolfo Corky Gonzalez where he led a Chicano contingent to the Poor People’s March on Washington D.C and issued a â€Å"plan of the Barrio† which demanded better housing, education and restitution of pueblo lands. Acosta figured prominently in legal cases which addressed political, social, and educational injustices against Chicanos. He frequently clashed with the judicial system, winning ardent supporters as well as making political enemies. He also contributed two novels that he wrote called Autobiography of a Brown Buffalo (1972), and The Revolt of the Cockroach People (1973) . Those were two novels that were highly acclaimed as major contributions to the Chicano literary renaissance. Acosta was a catalyst for change because he contributed his time and profession to the Chicano Movement. Acosta defended his community and race and he also took cases that defended Chicano education, and Chicano rights. He contributed to the Chicano literary renaissance. He is someone that may not be well known to everyone because no one talks about him now but during the Chicano movement he was a catalyst for change because he helped the Chicano community be what it is today by not attaining the injustices they had in the education and in the living of the Chicano community. Other Perspectives Oscar Zeta Acosta is a controversial Chicano author, activist and attorney whose work focuses on ethnicity and ways that people of Mexican ancestry in the United States forge an awareness of themselves and how they get treated by other people. Even though Acosta sometime contradicts himself he is still considered by a few a very great person and activist. The website  ¡Para Justicia y Libertad! said that Acosta was A gifted writer and storyteller, an activist, a civil rights attorney, and is considered the Malcolm X of the Chicano/a community. Also in the article called Oscar Zeta Acosta: One of God’s own prototypes he said Oscar was a legendary, compelling figure in Chicano history his remains in the shadows of the general American culture ( p.1) . There is one thing was for sure that most Chicana would say that he was a feminist and grouse! (Bandido 115) . Some Chicanas even dislike the way he talks about women in his book. He talks about women as if they were objects and he also talks about them in a vulgar way in the books by calling them bitches of hoers. He also talks in a very feminist way, when you read his books you can notice how he mentions or trys to lower the feminine perspective and the mentality of a women. Conclusion Based on the research I have conducted it is my view that Oscar Zeta Acosta was a key component in the Chicano movement because of the role he took by defending the Chicano community when no one would defend them, and especially because Acosta took his profession and his time to defend them. His work affected my life because it showed me that in life you have to pursue your goals to achieve them. Even though it might be tough there reachable. What surprised me about Acosta was his language in his books because I thought an attorney would not talk or especially write a book with vulgar and derogatory language. Another thing that also surprised me about Acosta was that he was a feminist I believed that someone that would defend people like the Chicano community because of the injustices they are facing in society would discriminate other people. Acostas importance during his lifetime was that he was an essential part in fixing the Chicano education and living in the Anglo world. Reflection Leader Selection.I am pleased with my catalyst for change choice Oscar Zeta Acosta. I learned more about the Chicano education injustices and also about the Chicano movement. Even tough there where parts that I wasnt pleased about hearing like on how he was a feminist and how vulgar he talked about women in his books and how he just thought they were objects. I still found my catalyst for change interesting like on how he wasnt like the rest of the Chicanos while he was growing up, he was like an outsider to his own race. Methodology. At first it was difficult to find books that Acosta has written or books that talk about him, because every book store I went to said they did not have them but they could always order them but it would take about to two weeks and when I would say no thank you ill try some where else they would look at me if I was crazy. At the end I ended up going to the downtown public library and I was luck there was only one copy of the books. Maybe next time what I would do differently is choose a person that has sources that are available everywhere. I believe that I did pace my self with reading the books and writing the paper. My time management was effective at times, because there was times I go carried away doing other things but I would still do my paper even though at times I would have to sleep late. Critical Reading. Reading the sources was some what difficult because of the language and sometimes the metaphors he used. What I learned about the whole reading concept is that it is going to be very useful in college and that you have to learn how to pace yourself when you read also that you have to skim the book, also having a dictionary in hand would be very useful to. Note taking did become easier as I worked along. I found note taking very useful since the books I was reading were not mine so I couldnt highlight the important information that I would be using for my research paper. I found the note taking system very useful, probably the other useful thing that would of helped me would have been if the books were mine because I wouldnt have speed threw the books to get them in by their due date. Writing. In writing my research paper the difficulty I faced was not knowing how to get my point across I found that difficult to do because everyone that read my research paper did not know who Oscar Zeta Acosta was. Probably the one thing that would of been useful was choosing a person that people knew at least the name to. The paper we got with the prompt and the instructions on what we had to answer helped a lot because while I was writing my paper I was looking back to see if I answered the prompt and followed the instructions and criteria. The skills that I believe that I need to work on is on my writing and how I try to get my point across because I found that hard to do. The skill that I believe that I was getting better at was knowing how to paraphrase. Experience. I did enjoy working on this project alone because I worked on it at my own pace, but I do enjoy working with others. I believe this research paper would have been better in group because you dont have top rush threw books because everyone can read a book, also because everyone has their own style of writing and looks at the prompts differently so it would have been easier because everyone could have contributed through their opinions and ideas and could have answered the prompt more efficiently. I believe that the most interesting part of this research paper was getting to know everything that your catalyst for change did, because I just knew a couple of thins that Acosta did like being a lawyer and defending the Chicano community, but I didnt know or have a clue everything else he did and how he acted and how he was a feminist. I believe that the most difficult thing about the research paper was the paper itself, because everything was just new to me because I have ever used MLA format before.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

A new life Bully Essay Example for Free

A new life Bully Essay A new life. An new school. A new bully. Thats what Darrell Mercer faces when he and his mother move from Philadelphia to California. After spending months living in fear, Darrell is faced with a big decision: He can keep running from this bully, or find a way to fight back. AuthorBorn in Philadelphia, Paul Langan spent his early childhood in the city before moving with his single mother to southern New Jersey. There he attended public school and worked a variety of jobs—including salesperson at a shoe store, attendant at a horse ranch, landscaper at a mental hospital, and a night-shift stockperson in a warehouse store near Atlantic City. â€Å"Each job,† he says today, â€Å"could be the topic of several juicy novels.† STORYThe story was about a boy name darell Mercer he live in Philadelphia, he had a friend named Mark which fought all of his fights because Darrell was a small and skinny punk. But then his mom found a better job in California and when they moved Darrel was scared of school because he had no friends. So he thought people will bully him and then he went to the supermarket and he saw a girl that was going to the same school as him which was Bluford high school. So then they talk and they where both freshmen’s.Then Darrel went to his first day of school and there was a boy who started bulling him and his name was Tyran .Darrel was scared of him and then he started paying him $10 every Friday. Then the same girl that he met at the supermarket he found out she liked him but Tyray the one that was bulling him he liked her so he was scared to ask her out. Darrel even tried out for the wrestling team and he made it and he had got good at it but he lost the first match by two points and the second he won eight- two .But he went to a dance which she went but Tyray went to and Darrel danced with the her and her name is Amberlynn and then Tyray came and humiliated Darrel and then Darrel went home. Then it was Christmas brake and for new years Darrel said he did not want to be scared of Tyray and will not pay him again. So then he went to school it was a Friday and he did not go to the supermarket to pay Tyray but he went straight to school. So then Tyray went and he asked him were was his money but the teacher came in and Tyray was scared. So then at lunch Tyray and Darrel started fighting and Darrel toke him down using the tricks he learned in wrestling and Tyray was crying that he broke his wrist and they were both sent to the principals office and Darrel told the principal what happened since the begging of the school year and Tyray got suspended but not Darrel he got out with a warning.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Social Policy On Homelessness Housing First

Social Policy On Homelessness Housing First Introduction The purpose of this paper is to discuss the social policy on homelessness Housing First. In this paper I will include the history of this policy, how it was created, when and the basic elements of this social policy. To every issue there are opposing views and I will present those views along with the policy. No social policy is perfect and along with the strengths I will also expose weaknesses, the points will be explained throughout this paper. First I will discuss what homelessness is and then what are the factors that lead a family, child, vet or anyone for that matter into the category of homelessness. Homelessness What does being homeless mean? It means not having shelter, a place to sleep, eat and be protected against natures elements. This issue is a concern to social service providers, government officials and policy professionals. Homelessness has been a major social issue In America but it is during financial crisis that this problem raises. The word itself Homelessness has a bad connotation, when the word homeless is uttered the immediate thought is that of a substance abuser, vagrant or a person with a mental illness. Although these are contributing factors they are not the sole reasons why a person ends up homeless. There are also other contributing factors such as poverty, unemployment, social exclusion (such as sexual orientation), natural disasters, foreclosures, war or disability. Now in 2012 and as of recent years we have seen the U.S economy decline economically a result from the housing bubble burst, bank crisis and wars. These events have skyrocketed chronic homelessness, it is of no surprise that the precursors to the U.S recession are a major contributor (Szep, 2008). Beyond Shelter In order to understand the social policy called Housing First we must first discuss the history behind it. Housing First was introduced by a nonprofit organization called Beyond Shelter, this organization is based in Los Angeles. The non-profit organization Beyond Shelter was founded in 1988 in Los Angeles to fight poverty and homelessness within families with children (retrieved from This organization introduced a model system called Housing First aka rapid rehousing. In 1996 the United Nations selected this model as 25 U.S best practices. Housing First Housing First is a public policy it is an alternative to a system of emergency shelter/transitional housing progressions( about us/aaa about us.shtml).It focuses homeless families to be able to move back into permanent housing. This is done first acquiring housing as soon as possible then providing counseling. It also focuses on intervention providing social services after the housing has been acquired rather than providing temporary shelter or transitional housing first ( about us/aaa about us.shtml). In contrast to other programs where the issues that lead the person to homelessness are addressed first before helping the person acquire housing hence the name given to this public policy Housing First. For example many social or public policies function first by getting the homeless person from the street to public shelter, from public shelter to transitional housing program and from there to their own apartment. In the housing first or rapid housing the homeless person is first placed in an apartment or house then pin pointing the issues that lead to become homeless. The federal government uses this to guide federal policies in attacking the problem of homelessness by rent assistance, housing stabilization. In 2009 The Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-housing Program (HPRP) provides homelessness prevention assistance to households that would otherwise become homeless, and provides rapid re-housing assistance to persons who are homeless as defined by section 103 of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11302).In 2008 Congress appropriated $25 million in the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Grants for 2008 to demonstrate the effectiveness of rapid re-housing programs to reduce family homelessness( retrieved from ). Strengths The strengths of this policy is that homeless people get a housing as soon as possible without conditions. Thereby, afterwards getting the necessary help to assist them in maintaining a permanent residence. The common practice of assistance to family homelessness is some kind of temporary housing. The problem is, when that runs out, people are still homeless. ; This approach is simply to get homeless people off the street and into a stable, more permanent environment ( about us/aaa about us.shtml). The idea is that a person can do better once placed in a permanent housing. Then receiving the services they need to maintain that permanent housing. This policy also helps to foster self-reliance instead of dependence ( about us/aaa about us.shtml).Also, Intervention services, housing options, and transitional support for the foster care system are strategies to end youth homelessness. Weaknesses The federal policy formed on the model of housing first is a good idea but economically how long can the federal government sustain this program. The burden falls on state and local funding to non-profit organizations to support these services. Now with the current state of economy can this realistically continue to financially support this policy? There is a need for all types of housing for all kinds of homeless people, families with children, elderly and individuals with disabilities or addiction. When you champion one methods then what about the other programs that have transitional housing or shelters you create a competition for funds. The roots of the problems must be attacked first not the other way around and opposite of the Housing Readiness philosophy, which believes that people need to address issues that may have led to their own homelessness before they enter permanent housing. If anything in social work it is known and practical t used different methodologies .Housing first seems to ride on the idea that it is better to do the opposite. I dont know about this because I think I would rather attack the problem that has caused homelessness for example if the reason for being homeless is finding a job to sustain oneself, finding services to a mental issues or substance abuse then that is more viable than getting a house first . How can one maintain the cost of paying even if it subsidized by the government without being able to keep a job because of substance abuse lack of employment or perhaps a mental disease. I understand that the model of Housing First also assist with these social services after they have a permanent home but again the root of the problem should be taken care of first. I believe that one must learn to become long term self-sufficient before being placed in the responsibility of permanent housing. Also what about immigrants? How would an immigrant homeless person be able to even participate in such a program? They would be inelig ible to participate in such program without being a citizen or permanent resident. According to Paul Boden executive director of Western Regional Advocacy Project, he quotes How can they cut Section 8 but believe in Housing First as a concept? Theyre cutting housing but doing Housing First. Its not just ironic; its hypocritical (Law, 2007, NHI). My Interview Now as far as the person I interviewed as part of my homeless policy project I would not see how this policy would apply to him. My interviewee would not be able to participate in this program for the simple fact that he is an illegal immigrant. If are undocumented, you are not be eligible for federal programs. Perhaps he would be in a separate category because of immigration status. I think in his case immigration policy would have to change in his case before the homeless policy does. Conclusion This policy is a very good policy in my eyes but there are shortfalls regardless of these shortfalls it does not fall short form being innovative. When attacking social problems there are variables and different perspectives. Scenarios are case by case and a one size shoe fits all is not realistic nor is it practical. What works for one population may not necessarily work for the other. Now our public, social and federal policy on homelessness is well intended it is not perfect. Affordable housing is a must and in order for that to occur our economy must be stabilized. It is like a domino affect the fall of one chip knocks the rest down and to get these chips back up it must be done one at a time. It is a long ardous time consuming process that must be done carefully and patiently. Every policy that we instill must be carefully reviewed evaluated and make sure that it applies to everyone and not just a certain population.

Essay on Internet Privacy - Ethical Issues Raised by Privacy Service Pr

Ethical Issues Raised by Privacy Service Providers      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Abstract:   This paper examines the use of Internet technologies (specifically to counteract invasions of personal privacy and censorship.   The paper begins by exploring the methods by which governments, corporations, and commercial agents invade personal privacy.   It also discusses Internet censorship on the corporate and governmental levels.   It then proceeds to discuss, a technology that allows Internet users to surf the Web privately and view censored content.   The paper finishes by exploring some of the ethical issues raised by Internet privacy and censorship in specific relation to SafeWeb, concluding that the application of SafeWeb in circumventing the authority of governments and corporations is inherently unethical.         Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Part of the allure of the Internet has always been the anonymity it offers its users.   As the Internet has grown however, causing capitalists and governments to enter the picture, the old rules are changing fast.   E-commerce firms employ the latest technologies to track minute details on customer behavior.   The FBI's Carnivore email-tracking system is being increasingly used to infringe on the privacy of netizens.   Corporations now monitor their employees' web and email usage.   In addition to these privacy infringements, Internet users are also having their use censored, as governments, corporations, and other institutions block access to certain sites.   However, as technology can be used to wage war on personal freedoms, it can also be employed in the fight against censorship and invasion of privacy.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Network technologies have allowed for an unprecedented invasion of persona...>. Cooper, Charles.   Saudi Arabia's Battle of the Bits.   2001.   ZDNet.   Feb. 20, 2001.   Tanaka, Jennifer.   The Secret (Server) Service.   2001.   AdWeek.   Feb. 20, 2001.   . The 20 Enemies of the Internet.   1999.   Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty.   Feb 20, 2001.   . Sussman, Leonard R.   The Internet and Press Freedom 2000.   2000.   Freedom House.   Feb. 20, 2001.   . Graham, Robert.   Carnivore FAQ.   2000.   Feb. 20, 2001.   . Conrey-Miller, Andrew.   The Pros and Cons of Employee Surveillance.   2001. Feb. 20, 2001. .

Monday, August 19, 2019

Lewis and Clark :: essays research papers

â€Å"My response; they do matter!†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Captain Meriwether Lewis and William Clark took the risk of life, limb, and liberty to bring back the precious and valuable information of the Pacific Northwest of the United States territory. Their accomplishments of surviving the trek and delivering the data to the U.S. government, have altered the course of history, but have some Historian’s and author’s stating, â€Å"It produced nothing useful.†, and having â€Å"added little to the stock of science and wealth. Lewis and Clark’s expedition is one of the most famous and most unknown adventures of America’s frontier. What makes Lewis and Clark truly significant historical figures, or not? It depends on your perspective. To the Native Americans, it was the beginning of an end. Their lives will be changed forever by their contact with the fur traders, soldiers, and missionaries that followed in the wake of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Certainly the changes will be gradual, but changes none the less. The changes will be no less profound for European Americans. President Jefferson's orders were far-reaching. While Lewis and Clark did not discover a Northwest Passage or start the western fur trade or overland immigration, they certainly influenced the latter two movements. They provided valuable information about the topography, the biological sciences, the ecology, and ethnic and linguistic studies of the American Indian. The mysteries of the vast area known as the Louisiana Purchase quickly disappeared after Lewis and Clark. Geographic discovery was an essential goal that Jefferson set for the expedition. Lewis and Clark recorded a wealth of scientific knowledge as they noted significant geographic features, made detailed route maps, and recorded their observations of longitude and latitude. Lewis performed most the astronomical duties and Clark charted the course and drafted expedition maps. Jefferson was especially concerned that Lewis and Clark establish good connections with the Indians and carry out linguistic and ethnological studies. Consequently, they held several meetings with the Indian tribes they met on their journey. The Americans wanted to open the door to diplomatic relations and gain access to trading rights with the Indians too. They were instructed to notify the Indians of the new sovereignty of the United States under the terms of the Louisiana Purchase. In making these contacts, they hoped to shift trade away from the Spanish, French, English, and Russian competitors and toward American interests. Lewis and Clark were viewing trade as a long-term venture, while the Indians wanted an immediate exchange or merchandise.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Locke, Hobbes, Mill, Thoreau :: Politics Philosophy Sociology

John Locke John Locke explains the state of nature as a state of equality in which no one has power over another, and all are free to do as they please. He notes, however, that this liberty does not equal license to abuse others, and that natural law exists even in the state of nature. Each individual in the state of nature has the power to execute natural laws, which are universal. I believe that Locke is correct in his analysis of the state of nature however; Locke‘s theory includes many assumptions. First is the assumption of a system of morality, the natural law derives from a theory of justice, a set of rights. No one would have any "rights" at all in the absence of a moral code applicable to human actions, nor would there be any standard of "just" punishment. Locke frequently uses the term "rights" and appeals to conscience and "calm reason", all of which reflect his assumptions about justice and morality. For individual property to exist, there must be a means for individuals to appropriate the things around them. Locke starts out with the idea of the property of person; each person owns his or her own body, and all the labor that they perform with the body. When an individual adds their own labor, their own property, to a foreign object or good, that object becomes their own because they have added their labor. This appropriation of goods does not demand the consent of humankind in general, each person has license to appropriate things in this way by individual initiative. Locke then places a bound on this type of acquisition, a person may only acquire as many things in this way as he or she can reasonably use to their advantage. One can only take so much as one can use. Lock applies these rules to land: a person in a state of nature can claim land by adding labor to it, building house on it or farming on it, but only so much as that person can reasonably use without waste. Locke then defines labor as the determining factor of value, the tool by which humans make their world a more advantageous and rewarding place to inhabit. Locke states that in order for a civil society to be established, the individuals must forfeit some of their rights that they have in the state of nature. This needs to be done so everyone can live together in peace.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Certainty and Doubt Essay Essay

William Lyon Phelps and Bertrant Russel have conflicting views regarding the importance of certainty and doubt. Phelps position is that having certainty in oneself allows you to accomplish impossible tasks. While Russel believes it is healthy to have a certain amount of doubt in oneself and that people should not only believe in any one philosophy. Both Russel and Phelps make good points on the relationship between doubt and certainty but a combination of the two would be the most helpful. You should always have certainty when it comes to your own capabilities, but doubt is useful when forming your own beliefs and when it comes to others beliefs. Having certainty in yourself is the only way to have the confidence and drive to reach your goals. You cannot be confident if you are not certain in what you believe in or what you are capable of achieving. This is true for most athletes or dancers. My dance coach always says that you have to go out on the floor with confidence, when you are confident you seem certain in what you are doing even if you do it wrong. This certainty and confidence can lead to personal success or a team’s success. It shows that the most powerful way to have confidence is to trust your capabilities and that you know what you are doing. Russell’s views on doubt will create a well-rounded view when added to this. Especially in science when doubt must be included at all times. Scientist and doctors have a hard time proving there theories or ideas true, they have to rewrite and improve these theories many times over even if they are right or leaning in the right direction. Doubt also allows someone to view issues or ideas through the eyes of others. When you think differently than someone it opens up a discussion that could lead to doubt on one side of the argument. Doubt allows you to think critically about situations and see all perspectives of a discussion or theory. When it comes to the relationship between certainty and doubt they are both equally important.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Application of Modern Technologies in Combating Security Threats in Nigeria

APPLICATION OF MODERN TECHNOLOGIES IN COMBATING SECURITY THREATS IN NIGERIA Abstraction The addition of offenses in Nigeria is upseting. The rate of incidents of abduction, plundering and vandalization of public public-service corporation installations are going dismaying. In this paper, an effort is made to propose ways of supervising some of the public-service corporation installations. Wireless monitoring in Wide Area Network ( WAN ) is recommended every bit good as turn uping the detector nodes inside manned Stationss in other to do it hard for illegal meddling of the detector elements. Most of the relays and other equipment recommended are already in being. So the cost of execution of the monitoring systems will be low. Cardinal words: monitoring, vandalization, dismaies, public-service corporation installations, modern engineering.IntroductionThe state is soon faced with batch of security challenges. There are instances of terrorist act, abduction, plundering and vandalization of public utilities. There are incidents of oil pipe line and electric power installation vandalization. These amazing Acts of the Apostless have negative effects in our economic system and societal lives. Technology has simplified most of the undertakings but whether we are good equipped to follow these modern constructs in work outing these jobs is another inquiry. Nigeria successfully lunched her ain orbiter in the infinite, far off in China. We congratulated ourselves. At the least, it is a spring in the forward way ; but one uncertainties if we have started harvesting maximal benefits from it Satellite can be used to work out our internal jobs, including security, because, non merely that it can be used to split offenses, but it can besides be used to place felons. Satellite can be used to supervise our oil pipe lines and electric power installations that are frequently prone to vandalization. If we were luckier and hold proficient installations and good trained forces, possibly the abduction of Chibok misss and other similar offenses would hold been nipped on the cod. Thank God, the federal authorities and others are turn toing the issues with the energy and earnestness it deserves. Particular work force preparation in some of these modern engineerings is of extreme importance so that Nigeria can utilize her installations to work out her pressing domestic jobs. There are other methods, apart from satellite surveillance, that can be used to supervise our installations that are more frequently prone to vandalization. These methods are discussed in the undermentioned subdivisions. 2.0 ELECTRIC POWER FACILITIES 2.1 Power transformer monitoring More frequently, due to ignorance, power and distribution transformers are vandalized, while in hunt of the alleged ‘quicksilverand/ ordiamond’ which produces visible radiation ( harmonizing to them ) . There is no such stuff in the transformer that justifies such harm. The purpose of the vandals is ever to run out the transformer oil in other to catch the cherished stuffs and in the procedure harm the transformer. The transformer oil can be monitored in many ways, such as ( I ) usage of unstable degree sensor ( two ) usage of gas relay. 2.1.1 Fluid degree monitoring. There are two ways the fluid degree can be monitored. ( I ) float mechanism method and ( two ) the immersed electrode method. The immersed electrode method can non be discussed here because transformer oil is non a good music director of electricity. 2.1.2 Float mechanism method In this method, the float ball is meant to drive the rheostat wiper ; such that the out put electromotive force is relative to the fluid degree. See fig.1. When the fluid degree beads to indicate E1, the wiper place is at point Tocopherol on the variable resistor so that the end product electromotive force gets to the threshold ( fig 1a ) . The out put electromotive force is converted to frequence which is modulated, amplified and transmitted to the security locations. At the security location, the signal is received, demodulated and rectified to direct current that is used to pick the relay, R in fig1b. Contacts, K1 and K11are used to exchange on the hearable and ocular dismaies, severally. See fig2. Fig2 can be used for every bit many transformers as possible at the inputs K1 to Kn ( hearable dismay ) and K11to Kn1( ocular dismay ) . 2.1.3 Gas force per unit area Relay ( Buchholze Relay ) The basic relay, shown in fig3, is designed to observe certain sum of gas in the transformer. The relay is ever located between the transformer chief armored combat vehicle and the curator armored combat vehicle. When oil is being drained from the transformer, air replaces the displaced oil. At certain degree, the air builds up force per unit area that is capable of runing the quicksilver switch which is pivoted as shown in fig3. The electromotive force from the contact is converted to frequence and transmitted to the security stations for dismay coevals. The basic gas relay uses the quicksilver switches operated by air/gas force per unit area. One signifier of gas relay is shown in fig3 and the conventional diagrams are shown in Figs 4 and 2. When the gas relay operates, the contacts near and remain like that until the air content in the enclosure is removed. In Fig 3, the quicksilver switch is pivoted atVolt. When there is force per unit area from the gas, the switch jousts as shown, to enable the liquid quicksilver to bridge the two contacts and allows the District of Columbia. electromotive force to go through on to the logic circuit. Stage-1 operates when there is minor oil escape ( pressure=P1 ) at this phase, no external dismay is generated. When there is high discharge of oil, gas force per unit area, P=P1.P2. At this phase, both quicksilver switches operate to bring forth dismay ( figs 4 and 2 ) . 2.2 ELECTRIC POWER LINE Monitoring In electric power line monitoring, usage is made of the electric resistance of the line, Z’ , which is normally quoted as R+JX per kilometre length of the music director. The line can be divided into four subdivisions ( S1, S2. S3 and S4 ) .If the length of the line is L, the relay scenes can be achieved as follows: Primary electric resistance of the line, . Omega+is the positive sequence electric resistance of the line While Z0is the nothing sequence constituent of the line Secondary electric resistance, Zs, of the line=Zp*CTR/VTR ( 2 ) Where CTR=Current transformer ratio and VTR=Voltage transformer ratio. Now assign the range of the relay as follows: S1=25 % of the line S2=50 % of the line S3=70 % of the line And S4= 100 % of the line For line subdivision, S1, the range, Section S2, the range, Section S3, the range, and S4=Zs*1.0 The clip puting for the ranges is such that S1t & lt ; S2t & lt ; S3t & lt ; S4t. where Sxt is the clip puting for subdivision Sx. The significance of these scenes is that the relay operates any clip it sees impedance less than the preset value after a preset clip. The indicants displayed by the relay will demo the subdivision of the line that is being vandalized. See fig 2. 3.0 PIPE LINE Monitoring In pipe line, one or more of the undermentioned parametric quantities can be monitored ;Discharge, Q=Va ( 7 )Pressure, P=F/a ( 8 )And speed, V=dx/dt ( 9 )Where, a= transverse sectional country of the pipe and F= the force driving the fluid * Where D is the diameter of the pipe Solving for D in Equ.10, * The wall thickness, T, of the Pipeline must be such to defy the internal fluid force per unit area,P,in the thin or thick cylindrical grapevine. Basically, the thin cylindrical equation will be applied when:Stress across the grapevine subdivision is unvaryingThe internal diameter of the grapevine subdivisionCalciferolis& gt ;20t Internet ExplorerThe allowable emphasisis more than six times the force per unit area inside the pipePhosphorusInternet Explorer.The look for the, wall thickness,T,of the grapevine is given as, Where,is the efficiency of longitudinal articulation and C is the Weishack invariable 3.1 Mathematical modeling See a cylindrical shell of a force per unit area vas transporting oil fluid which is subjected to a high internal fluid force per unit area,p. The wall of the cylinder must be thick plenty to defy the force per unit area. Assuming that the tensile emphasiss are uniformly distributed over the subdivision of the walls, and if ; R0= outer radius of the cylindrical shell, RI= interior radius of the cylindrical shell T = thickness of the cylindrical shell = R0-RI P = strength of internal force per unit area = poisson’s ratio = digressive emphasis and = radial emphasis. Using lame’s jurisprudence ; Now, radial emphasis at any radiustenis given by Now if internal force per unit area, PI=P and external force per unit area, P0=0, From Equation 12, the digressive emphasis at any radius,ten,is given by. =[ 1+] ( 15 ) =[ 1+]( 16 ) From Eqns. ( 15 ) and ( 16 ) , the digressive emphasis is a tensile whereas the radial emphasis is a compressive. Again, the digressive emphasis is Maximum at the interior surface of the grapevine Internet Explorer.x= RIand it is minimal at the outer surface of the shell Internet Explorer.ten = R0 By taking the value ofx=RIandten = R0in Equ. ( 15 ) and ( 16 ) , the Maximum digressive emphasis at the interior surface of the grapevine is given by, =( 17 ) While the minimal digressive emphasis at the outer surface of the shell is given by, =( 18 ) = -p ( Compressive ) and at=0 4.0 METHODOLOGY Each of the distant Stationss have direct communicating nexus with themselves and the chief station as shown in fig6 so that any dismay can be received by all the Stationss, including the chief station. 4.1 SENSOR NODES The detector nodes are arranged as shown in fig7. The detector nodes are located at the in put terminuss of the distant Stationss for security ground. A puncture at pointFin fig 7 will be detected by the detector node at RS2. Since the force per unit area at RS1 is normal, no dismay will be generated at that station. The dismay from RS2 therefore indicates that the puncture is between RS1 and RS2. 4.2 CONTROL SIGNALS The electromotive force end product of the detector is converted to frequence, processed and transmitted through broad country web ( WAN ) ( see Fig 6 ) . At the having terminals, the signal is converted back to electromotive force and used to bring forth dismaies as shown in fig 2. Fig 8 shows the rule of force per unit area measuring while fig 9 is that for the flow rate. 5.0 Decision The radio monitoring system for the public-service corporations is presented. Some of the detection relays are already available but their control circuits need to be modified in other to accommodate the intent. The interesting thing about the theoretical accounts is that all the detectors are located indoors manned Stationss. So the fright of illegal fiddling with the detectors elements is eliminated. The dismaies are arranged in such a manner that the vandals are caught incognizant. Nigeria needs more trained work force in utilizing the orbiter to observe offenses. MentionsKaufmann W Fluid mechanics Tata-McGraw Hill saloon. Coy New Delhi1972Dugdale RH, Bannister WS Fluid mechanics. Macdonald and Evans LTD Plymouth, 1977.Sawhney AK. Acourse in electrical/electronic measurings & A ; instrumentation.Dhanpat Rai & A ; coy Delhi 2006Moodie, D Costello L, McStay D, Optoelectronic leak sensing system for supervising subsea constructions, in: Proceedings of the SPIE, Vol. 7726, Brussels, Belgium, April 2010Hennigar GW, Leak sensing: new engineering that works, Gas Industries 37 ( January ) 1993. Nwilo Personal computer, Badejo OT Impacts of oil spillage along Nigerian seashore The Association for Environmental, 2001.Ezechukwu OA, Nnebe SI, Idigo VE, Azubogu AO..Real-time Experimental Model for Outdoor Wireless Sensor Network. NIEEE proc. Oct. 2013Greg Stanley, â€Å"Pipeline Diagnosis Emphasizing Leak Detection – An Approach and Demonstration† , – A White Paper,April 22, 2012.Ezechukwu OA. A theoretical account of distance protecti on. IJERD Vol 3 Issue10 Sep. 2012Joaquim A.R. Azevedo, Filipe Edgar Santos, â€Å"Signal Propagation Measurements with radio detector Nodes 2007.